bbq area 于 Happy Valley, Hong Kong Island
About 9 results.
The Grill at Grand Hyatt Hong Kong
The Grill Restaurant at Grand Hyatt Hong Kong is known for its premium meat, seafood and mouth-watering desserts. Come and see for yourself.
Super7 BBQ
Prat Avenue 10, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong KongSuper 7 位於尖沙咀酒吧集中地一一寶勒巷,面積達 2000 呎,可容納 60-70 人的 clubbing 派對。室內以深色為主色,格局呈長方形,黑色皮製梳化靠牆擺放,牆身用上閃石物料,在 disco lighting 的映照下份外耀眼!