diner 于 沙田
About 25 results.
Sha Tin Station Circuit 1, Sha Tin, Hong Kong在雅緻舒適的環境下,客人細嚐廚師們堅持以新鮮、高品質材料、精巧手藝、用心烹調的精選滬菜。 Shanghai Lao Lao presents made-to-order noodles, steamed pork dumplings & other Shanghainese gourmet food.
Ron's Kitchen 朗厨坊
Ron's KItchen prides itself in the Highest Quality 5 Star Dining, with genuine rare authentic service. It uses the highest quality and home freshingredient
Meraviglia Bar e Ristorante
Meraviglia is an Italian Restaurant managed by group of people having passion to bring nice and healthy food to our guests.
Ruby Tuesday
Great American Food, Fresh Salad Bar, Quality Service
The Alchemist Mail Café
文林路1號香港文化博物館, Sha Tin, Hong Kong座落於沙田香港文化博物館內,以慢遞明信片為主題,希望推廣「執筆寫字文化」、「寄信給親人、友人」等感覺,令生活在急促之中的香港人,有一刻可以停下來,回顧生活或關心別人。
On Chun Street 1, Ma On Shan, Hong KongIt is Osaka Ohsho's fanpage. Official websites are Japanese only. 大阪王将 http://www.osaka-ohsho.com/ 大阪王将 公式通販 http://o-ohsho.jp/
利寶家川滬小廚 Treasurebox.hk
MOS Cafe
政府近年銳意推動「社會企業」發展,鼓勵透過官民商合作,推行以地區為本的計劃和方案,持續創造就業機會,成就商業、社會及文化目標。2009年底,民康會向政府提出申請,建議在沙田馬鞍山第77區一幅荒置土地上,開展一個社會企業項目,為居民提供「餐飲」及「單車配套」服務。 計劃概念源於區內缺乏食肆及單車停泊位,透過提供上述服務,不但回應了居民的需要,改善社區環境,同時把握由此引申的商機,並建立…
Teawood 茶木
戀上台灣美食,戀上茶木屋。華燈初上,香氣並著人氣,家一般的親近,卻又天堂般的美食享受,初次相遇便無法自拔……優質地道的台式料理,自家出品台式風味甜品,不得不愛的台式飲品,再加上時尚舒適的現代裝潢,感受不一樣的氣氛,憧憬一份閒逸,一份甜蜜的邂逅。 茶木屋台式休閒餐廳,引入優秀台式餐廳經營模式和餐飲服務,為顧客提供優質地道的台式料理;在店鋪裝潢方面,更融入了許多充滿情趣的小巧思,清新浪漫卻…
L'Eau Restaurant 濠餐廳
Leau restaurant a wide variety of mouth-watering dishes, offering barbecue lunch and dinner international buffets, exotic Asian afternoon tea buffet. Book now!
MoMo Café
On Ping Street 1, Sha Tin, Hong KongCourtyard Shatin is located near Shek Mun MTR subway station, our shatin hotel offers free shuttle bus to Science Park, University train station and City One Plaza daily, a perfect stay for busin…
Pepper Lunch Express
科技大道西 8, 科學園, Hong KongPepper Lunch Hong Kong assembles the finest ingredients on patented hot teppan. With delightful smell and sizzle sound, customers enjoy mixing of ‘Sizzling it your Way’. Pepper Lunch Hong Kong 的…
Pepper Lunch
On Chun Street 1, Ma On Shan, Hong KongPepper Lunch Hong Kong assembles the finest ingredients on patented hot teppan. With delightful smell and sizzle sound, customers enjoy mixing of ‘Sizzling it your Way’. Pepper Lunch Hong Kong 的…
Royal Park Hotel
(Hong Kong, China) Royal Park Hong Kong Hotel is centrally located luxury hotel in Shatin, Hong Kong, with easy access to China and main attractions in Hong Kong
Tsui Wah
Sha Tin Centre Street 21-27, Sha Tin, Hong Kong翠華集團的願景是「弘揚健康優質香港飲食文化」。對食物品質、環境衛生和服務質素皆有嚴格要求。我們於香港地道飲食口味上不斷推陳出新,並注入新元素將之演變成中西薈萃、不分國界的地道特色食品。