restaurant 于 Hong Kong Tsim Sha Tsui
About 1127 results.
Green Orange Restaurant & Bar
Wing Lok Street 50, Sheung Wan, Hong KongOpenrice page:
Haveli Authentic Indian Restaurant
G/F 20 Tsing Fung Street,Tin Hau ,Causeway Bay, Hong Kong Hong Kong, Hong KongHaveli has been one of this city's most innovative restaurants. It is completely vegetarian and it uses only fresh, natural ingredients.
Stella's Bar & Restaurant
荃灣大壩街5-7號地下, 852 Hong Kong, Hong KongIg: stellas_restaurant 歡迎來電查詢、whatsapp了解更多。 Whatsapp 66430609
South Garden Seafood Restaurant
南苑盆菜專家,百年傳統風味,真正圍村人主理炮製 持普通食肆牌照號: 2294003864
Chuen Kee Seafood Restaurant
Man Nin Street 96, Sai Kung, Hong KongFood Photography | Travel | Lifestyle | Fitness | Healthy Recipes Vancouver, BC, Canada Snapchat,Instagram, Twitter @instanomss
Namo Avant Thai Restaurant
Mody Road 68, Tsim Sha Tsui East, Hong KongNAMO combines traditional Thai dishes with contemporary recipes and ingredients. Experience Thai cuisine like never before!
Mama San Restaurant & Bar
Wyndham Street 46, Central, Hong KongMama San by award-winning Chef Will Meyrick delights diners with an amazing collection of dishes from South East Asia in an exotic Balinese décor.
EL CID Spanish Restaurant
Serving exclusive Spanish cuisine in a comfortable ambience with live music. El Cid brings you to a passionate Spanish culture.
Woodlands International Restaurant Vegetarian
Mody Road 62, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong KongFirst and Finest Indian Vegetarian Restaurant in Hong Kong, Since 1981.
Sushi Shin Japanese Restaurant
銅鑼灣道 110-114, 銅鑼灣, Hong KongEnjoy the traditional 江戸前[EDO-MAE] sushi and gourmet cooking crafted by our talented and renown chefs.
Sole Mio Italian Restaurant
51 Elgin Street, Soho, Central, Hong KongSole Mio is a hidden gem in the heart of Soho. For over 16 years Sole Mio have charmed their guests with classic Italian cuisine.
Shelter Italian Bar & Restaurant
Hennessy Road 500, Causeway Bay, Hong KongExperience the exclusive taste of Shelter and groundbreaking culinary concept at the heart of causeway bay
Tsui Wah Restaurant
香港新界葵涌梨木道88號達利中心16樓1606–1608室, 00852 Hong Kong, Hong KongWebsite: Email: Customer Service Hotline: (852) 2868 3322
Victoria Harbour Restaurant
New Market Street 8, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong海港飲食集團(香港)於1999年創立,憑著卓越出品及嚴控成本以回饋顧客,至2015年已發展成為連鎖大型中式酒樓集團,現時分別在香港經營二十餘家及於深圳經營三家分店。
Seventh Son Restaurant
駱克道57-73號香港華美粤海酒店3樓, NA Hong Kong, Hong KongSeventh Son Restaurant is founded by Mr. WK Chui, who is the youngest son of the late Master Chef Chui Fook Chuen, who trained him since the age of 14.
Billidart Restaurant & Bar
7/F & 8/F, Kwan Chart Tower, 6 Tonnochy Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong Hong Kong, Hong KongOne Stop All Experience At Billidart, we aim to provide our customers with a relaxing, comfortable and entertaining environment.
Ngan Lung Restaurant
Jardine's Bazaar 54-58, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong銀龍飲食集團創於1963年,屹立香港至已有50多年。 集團旗下品牌:銀龍粉麵茶餐廳、銀龍茶餐廳、銀龍餐廳、Noven Bakery、One Bakery;分店遍佈港九新界!
RangMahal Indian Restaurant
118 Queen's road central 2 / F, +852 Central District, Hong KongWe are specialized in outdoor catering and indoor catering,parties and ideal for all ocicasion 10 to 1000 people with tailor made menu within your budget.
Fukumura Japanese Restaurant
福村是由日本菜宗師西村弘美 (NISHIMURA HIROMI)創立. 餐廳的班底全是跟隨西村先生多年的員工.
Kaya Korean Restaurant
Korean Food, BBQ, Hotpot, Home made noodles, stone pot rice, etc,,,,
Rainbow Seafood Restaurant
香港南丫島索罟灣第一街1A-1B,23-25號, Lamma Island Sok Kwu Wan, Hong Kong<遊船河,食海鮮>是最具特色的消閒活動。我們提供免費賓客專船接載服務,每日往來中環、尖沙咀。享受維港美景及海鮮珍餚。
London Chinese Restaurant
九龍旺角彌敦道612號 好望角大廈, 852 Mong Kok, Hong Kong面積五萬平方呎,是香港最大型的酒樓,三、四、五樓,共可筵開180席。不同樓層有不同設備,可用作各式宴會用途。
Lai Yuen Restaurant
尖沙咀加連威老道12-16號加連威大廈地下12號舖, 0000 Hong Kong, Hong Kong荔園自2015年以一次性的遊樂場形式重現香港,我們一直希望延續這份「簡單的快樂」精神,自2016年起更作出多項創新嘗試,而荔園茶餐廳為其中一項重要的發展項目。 In 2015, Lai Yuen made a brief reappearance with its amusement park that surprised many. To extend the spirit of “…
Crystal Harbour Restaurant
紅磡灣紅樂道12号海韻軒海景酒店3樓, +852 Hung Hom, Hong KongCrystal Harbour Restaurant紅磡灣海韻軒海景酒店3 樓